Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I've already written one post about Tatry, but I went there again and it is all I can think about right now. After a long day of hiking I fell asleep in the middle of the field, next to the shelter we stayed in and that is how I got tanned. It's great because every time I look in the mirror it reminds me of these 30 minutes on the field, probably the most relaxing time I've had this year.

I love everything about mountains. The air is so fresh you can feel it getting straight into your lungs. After hiking your legs are in pain but that's the best feeling in the world, it really helps you to relax and clear your mind when you get this tired. At this time of year there were too many people, I prefer places like Bieszczady or Beskid Żywiecki where you can spend whole day hiking and don't meet anyone on your way but that's the price I'm ready to pay for these incredible views. I need to plan the next trip as soon as I come back from my holiday job, let me know if you want to join me ;)