Thursday, November 13, 2014

November came and I have know idea how that happened, time runs so fast when there's so much to do.
To make it run a little slower we need to find something to relax. I try to do jogging as often as possible, but with studies and work it's getting harder. Not to mention the weather - I have to admit, it's much better than it used to be and we can't complain - this year's november is beautiful! But on the other hand I tend to get sick every time I leave my flat, that's why I've decided to do fitness in front of my computer. I know, sounds stupid, but when there's no time to go to the fitness club, what can I do? 
Even learning seems better after an hour of workout! Now I start to talk like Chodakowska or other famous women who want us to eat goji berries and sprouts so it's about time I finish. 
But you know what's the best motivation? After one hour training you don't have to worry about eating a bar of chocolate, and that's one thing I can't resist.


  1. Hi Aga, yes it's true, this year's november is so beautiful! I don't remember similar to that. But, i love autumn, this weather, even cloudy, windy and rainy. Then I hide in my chair with cup of hot tea and good book. But, maybe i should start to do sth more active? :)

    1. I love autumn too, in Szczecin it's even more beautiful, you should come and see :)
      Right now I'm covered with blanket and I'm holding a cup of tea in my hand and I don't want to be anywhere else, so I guess we should both start to do sth more active ;)

  2. How long are you practicing jogga? I ve been thinking about it a lot. I mean I would like to start practicing jogga as soon as possible, I would be grateful if you advised me one of the clubs in Poznan. =)

  3. I don't do jogga, I do jogging - running in the park to be more accurate ;) I hate streching and I'm not patient enough to do jogga, although I tried several times in Szczecin :)
