Sunday, April 19, 2015

Did you notice how cold it is in april and may? It may seem that as the days are longer, the temperature gets higher, but this cold wind is really tricky. Nevertheless the season of wearing shorts for jogging is finally here! The great thing about this time of year is that it's perfect for running, it's not to dark in the evening and I can run in shorts which I absolutely love. This feeling of wind and fresh air somewhere around my ankles makes me feel that holidays are coming, even though there's so much to do. Anyway, I can't wait for my little guy (who is getting bigger and bigger every day!) to get all the vaccination and go running with me! There's nothing better than running with a dog, and nothing safer!

Lately I didn't post any new words so it's about time I finally do it.

an action-packed movie - a movie full of action
all-out war - total war
badly-run - badly, inefficiently managed and organised
a close-knit community - a community in which everyone knows each other
far-fatched - unlikely to be true or practical
far-reaching - having a big impact on a large number of people, with effects that will last for a long time
long-winded - sth that continues for too long and is boring as a result
the odds-on favourite - the person, team, etc. that everyone thinks will win in a race, competition, election
to clean forget to do sth - to completely forget


  1. The wind around my ankles... Unless it's above 20*C, it makes me wanna go back under the blankets and read a book. :P But I can see how excercising with your dog brings you so much joy. In my teens I used to go cycling with mine.
