Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Did you get to see the new Bond movie?
There are so many diffrent opinions about this film among my friends, I have trouble telling you if it's worth seeing or not. To me it's great. Nothing compares to "Skyfall", which I adore, but still, it's one of the best Bond movies I've seen. (Not that I'm a specialist, I haven't seen all of them)
I don't want to talk about the ending as I don't want you to know exactly what happens, maybe you plan to see it next weekend, but I just want to say that I like it, the whole idea of "closure" ;)


  1. I've heard that there's not so much of Bellucci.. they announced her before the premiere... and she's in one scene...

  2. That's true, she appears for five minutes or so. It seems as if they added her part just to have her play.

  3. You know, I am not a Bond fan, although I do like the cultural phenomenon that he is for British culture. I find that the older Bond movies had a much clearer plot-storyline. Whereas the later productions are a bit chaotic to me, although I find the whole James Bond world very pleasing aesthetically (the elegance, the cars, the money, the fancy cocktails ;) ).
    So, you do recommend it?
