Sunday, January 4, 2015

It's already fourth day of a new year and I still think about new year's eve. I had a great time and I keep comparing this year's party to the others I had. 

Last year, for the first time, I decided to stay at home. I ate pizza, drank wine, danced a little and had a lot of fun, even though I spent it with only one person. This year I decided to go out. I thought this could be a good way to compare these two styles of partying and decide which one I prefer. The problem is, both of them were great.  It's not possible to decide which is better - party with a huge group of people (most of them unknown) or a meeting with boyfriend, music and wine? 

The general idea of welcoming the new year by partying and dancing all night long is a great way to be exhausted the next day, which is supposed to be the most productive, because the rule says "first day of the year defines the rest of it" (I really hope that rule isn't valid, I slept all day).To start the new year productively it's better to stay at home, relax and go to sleep right after midnight, but as long as I'm not forced to do it, I guess I prefer to dance a little longer and collect great memories.  

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