Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lately I've been searching for my favourite song lyrics. In English everything sounds better, even Rihanna's "Umbrella" doesn't sound so stupid, but that's the magic of this language, I suppose. Of course there are some songs like "Anaconda" that are so stupid, that no language can suppress it, but anyway, let's get to the point. I've been searching for my favourite lyrics in Polish.

I started with Kasia Nosowska (this brilliant woman comes from Szczecin, naturally). She wrote some many different pieces that I find it too difficult to find my one favourite. Still, I've decided to choose "Chyba", it's quite old but very interesting in it's simple form. It seems like a short song about nothing in particular, but that's the charm.

Moving on, another great songwriter is Artur Rojek. Recently he finished his adventure with Myslovitz and decided to record something on his own. I was devastated, but it turned out to be a great idea. The whole album is brilliant, I love songs like "to co będzie" or "krótkie momenty skupienia", but to draw your attention to this great guy, I recommend you his first single promoting his album, there you go :

When I was in high school, I was really crazy about Pidżama Porno. Lyrics written by Grabaż were like encyclopedia to me. He still writes some good stuff with his present band, Strachy na Lachy, but the magic of "Gdy zostajesz u mnie na noc" stays irreplaceable.

And finally, my greatest master of written word - Łona! I don't like hip hop but he's so much more than a rapper. Of course he's also from Szczecin, that's the cradle of brilliant people. His concerts are pure masterpieces, there's so much positive energy. People from Szczecin are crazy about him, we always ripp off our throats when he starts to sing. Anyway, just listen to him and hopefully you'll share our admiration.

The last thing I want you to see is a verse of a song "Ludzie odchodzą" written by Łona. I don't like the voices of rappers singing in it, that's why I'm just going to put here his verse, it's about death but written in a very unusual and subtle way.

"Codziennie tracę jeden dzień bezpowrotnie
W starciu z tą, która w końcu mnie dotknie
I choć istotnie zapominam o niej
Ona nagle tuż obok przypomina mi o sobie dotykając kogoś
Towarzysząc mi z rosnącym uporem
Zastępując ciszą słowa niewypowiedziane w porę
Trudno o poręcz skoro tak ciężko o dowód
Że istnieje coś poza końcem na końcu tych schodów
Trzeba przyjąć to pamiętając o tych których serca już nie biją
Bo póki pamiętamy oni żyją
Wciąż dając nam obraz tego
że ci, których kochamy odchodząc od nas
Zostają w nas samych
Będąc gdzieś tam i gdzieś tu równocześnie
Szkoda, że was nie ma, dobrze, że jesteście"


  1. Agnieszka, when I read your comment on "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj, I cracked up so hard I spat cookies on my computer screen :D You caught me off-guard.

    Did you know that when Jacek Cygan was writing the song for Edyta Górniak for her Eurovision performance, he was instructed to actually avoid all the difficult sounds in Polish (especially combinations like "szcz",etc. - sorry, Szczecin!) to make it sound more appealing to the foreign ear? True story.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I'm not an expert on Polish music, but I know Grabaż and I agree that he writes excellent lyrics. Even his simple love song "Dzień dobry, kocham Cię" is far from banal and has some tricky lyrical twists in it. He is not a great singer (and he knows it), but he is a really good poet.
